URL: http://www.ardmediathek.de/tv/Tagesschau-in-100-Sek/26-06-2017-05-06-Uhr-Tagesschau-in-100/Das-Erste/Video-Podcast?bcastId=767970&documentId=43790230 26.06.2017 05:06 Uhr - Tagesschau in 100 Sekunden ~$ tshark -i eth0 -s 0 -B 50 -V -P -l | grep -E --context=1 "GET|POST|URI|baseURL|statuscode|/type|/title|content|detail|assetId|originChannelId|originChannelTitle|/channel|duration|/length|airtime|timetolive|/fsk|hasCaption|vcmsUrl|formitaet|/quality|url|/ratio|height|width|videoBitrate|audioBitrate|filesize|facet|mms|rtsp|rtmp|llnwd.net|core-cdn.net|beitragsDetails|[Hh]ost|socks|protocol|playpath|path|playlist|tcUrl|pageUrl|app|hexstring|days|[Aa]uth|string|conn|:data|flashVer|[Ss]ubscri|resume|timeout|start|stop|[Ss]ecure|[Tt]oken|[Kk]ey|[Ii]dentifier|jtv|JSON|[Hh]ash|buffer|skip|conndata|output|SOCKS4|proxy|connection attempt|version|set_playlist|src|edgefcs.net|dataURL|cdn-vod-fc|vars_player.videorefFileUrl|video lang|url quality=|arte_vp_url=|videothek|json|m3u8|manifest|f4m|\.meta|asx|mov|smil|\.avi|3gp|aac|flac|flv|h264|mkv|mp2|mp3|mp4|ogg|SWF|swf|\.ts|vorbis|vp8|webm|wma|wmv|image/x-icon|stream|videoplayback|annotations_invideo|TCP Retransmission|Application Data|Client Hello|deleteStream|User Control Message|[Hh]and[Ss]hake|client|[Ss]ignature|connect|Window Acknowledgement Size|Set Peer Bandwidth|Set Chunk Size|NetConnection|createStream|FCSubscribe|onBWCheck|_result|Stream Begin|NetStream|RtmpSampleAccess|onBWDone|Set Buffer Length|Stream Is Recorded|[Mm]eta[Dd]ata|Video Data|Audio Data|Aggregate|setBandwidthLimit|Acknowledgement|LIVE|server|mediaType|mimeType|videoPlayerUrl|/play|liveUrl|/live|play.'|[Ss]tarted|[Pp]laying" Capturing on 'eth0' 1 [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 19 -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 23 -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- .... .... ..1. = Syn: Set [Expert Info (Chat/Sequence): Connection establish request (SYN): server port 80] [Connection establish request (SYN): server port 80] [Severity level: Chat] -- 24 1.126072 2a02:560:41de:f500:d7d:ae76:a1d7:fc5d -> fd00::3a10:d5ff:fe20:43a6 DNS 106 Standard query 0x9f41 A secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Frame 24: 106 bytes on wire (848 bits), 106 bytes captured (848 bits) on interface 0 -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable Questions: 1 Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 Queries secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com [Name Length: 26] [Label Count: 3] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) 25 1.126102 -> DNS 86 Standard query 0x9f41 A secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Frame 25: 86 bytes on wire (688 bits), 86 bytes captured (688 bits) on interface 0 -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable Questions: 1 Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 Queries secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com [Name Length: 26] [Label Count: 3] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) 26 1.126367 2a02:560:41de:f500:d7d:ae76:a1d7:fc5d -> fd00::3a10:d5ff:fe20:43a6 DNS 106 Standard query 0xfaa6 A secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Frame 26: 106 bytes on wire (848 bits), 106 bytes captured (848 bits) on interface 0 -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable Questions: 1 Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 Queries secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com [Name Length: 26] [Label Count: 3] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) 27 1.126463 2a02:560:41de:f500:d7d:ae76:a1d7:fc5d -> fd00::3a10:d5ff:fe20:43a6 DNS 106 Standard query 0x47d2 AAAA secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Frame 27: 106 bytes on wire (848 bits), 106 bytes captured (848 bits) on interface 0 -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable Questions: 1 Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 Queries secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type AAAA, class IN Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com [Name Length: 26] -- .... .... ..1. = Syn: Set [Expert Info (Chat/Sequence): Connection establish acknowledge (SYN+ACK): server port 80] [Connection establish acknowledge (SYN+ACK): server port 80] [Severity level: Chat] -- 31 1.186623 -> HTTP 1223 GET /cgi-bin/gn?prd=dcr&ci=de-605508&ch=de-605508_b02_P&asn=defChnAsset&tl=Das%2520Erste_Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sek._26.06.2017%252005%253A06%2520Uhr%2520-%2520Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sekunden_26.06.2017%252005%253A06&prv=1&c6=vc,b02&ca=de-605508_b02_http://media.tagesschau.de/video/100s/2017/0626/TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4&cg=Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sek.&c13=asid,PA02DC09C-B8D3-4098-87D2-2C023682D6D5&c32=segA,NA&c33=segB,NA&c34=segC,NA&c15=apn,ARD%20Mediathek&sup=1&segment2=276001&segment1=deu&forward=0&ad=0&cr=4_00_99_V1_00000&c9=devid,&enc=true&c1=nuid,e30d3ea4-275e-481a-8b87-04eea9890aca&at=view&rt=video&c16=sdkv,bj.5.0.0&c27=cln,0&crs=&lat=&lon=&c29=plid,14984489733604150&c30=bldv,,NA&c8=devgrp,DSK&c10=plt,DSK&c40=adbid,&c14=osver,Linux-Ubuntu&c26=dmap,1&dd=20170625&hrd=17&wkd=sun&c35=adrsid,&c36=cref1,&c37=cref2,&c11=agg,1&c12=apv,&c51=adl,0&c52=noad,0&sd=119&devtypid=&pc=NA&c53=fef,n&c54=oad,&c55=cref3,&c57=adldf,2&ai=http://media.tagesschau.de/video/100s/2017/0626/TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4&c3=st,c&c64=starttm,1498448974&adid=http://media.tagesschau.de/video/100s/2017/0626/TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4&c58=isLive,false&c59=sesid,94a7a02f-8912-487c-ac64-6c050b76cb56&c61=createtm,1498449033&c63=pipMode,&c60=agfall,~~~~~~~~~~p5%252CARD%2520Mediathek~~~~p7%252Chttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia.tagesschau.de%252Fvideo%252F100s%252F2017%252F0626%252FTV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4~~p8%252C119~~p9%252CTagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sek._26.06.2017%252005%253A06%2520Uhr%2520-%2520Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sekunden_26.06.2017%252005%253A06~~p10%252CDas%2520Erste~~~~p12%252CContent~~~~~~~~~~content~~p18%252CN~~p19%252CDas%2520Erste&nodeTM=&logTM=&c73=phtype,Desktop&c74=dvcnm,Mozilla+Firefox+-+Linux&c76=adbsnid,&df=0&c77=adsuprt,2&evdata=&c71=ottflg,0&c72=otttyp,none&sessionId=&c44=progen,&davty=0&si=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ardmediathek.de%2Ftv%2FTagesschau-in-100-Sek%2F26-06-2017-05-06-Uhr-Tagesschau-in-100%2FDas-Erste%2FVideo-Podcast%3FbcastId%3D767970%26documentId%3D43790230&c66=mediaurl,&c62=sendTime,1498449033&rnd=726558 HTTP/1.1 Frame 31: 1223 bytes on wire (9784 bits), 1223 bytes captured (9784 bits) on interface 0 -- Hypertext Transfer Protocol [truncated]GET /cgi-bin/gn?prd=dcr&ci=de-605508&ch=de-605508_b02_P&asn=defChnAsset&tl=Das%2520Erste_Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sek._26.06.2017%252005%253A06%2520Uhr%2520-%2520Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sekunden_26.06.2017%252005%253 [ [truncated]Expert Info (Chat/Sequence): GET /cgi-bin/gn?prd=dcr&ci=de-605508&ch=de-605508_b02_P&asn=defChnAsset&tl=Das%2520Erste_Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sek._26.06.2017%252005%253A06%2520Uhr%2520-%2520Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520S] [GET /cgi-bin/gn?prd=dcr&ci=de-605508&ch=de-605508_b02_P&asn=defChnAsset&tl=Das%2520Erste_Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sek._26.06.2017%252005%253A06%2520Uhr%2520-%2520Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sekunden_26.06.2017%252005%253A06&prv=1&c6] [Severity level: Chat] [Group: Sequence] Request Method: GET Request URI [truncated]: /cgi-bin/gn?prd=dcr&ci=de-605508&ch=de-605508_b02_P&asn=defChnAsset&tl=Das%2520Erste_Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sek._26.06.2017%252005%253A06%2520Uhr%2520-%2520Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sekunden_26.06.2017%2 Request Version: HTTP/1.1 Host: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0\r\n -- \r\n [Full request URI [truncated]: http://secure-eu.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/gn?prd=dcr&ci=de-605508&ch=de-605508_b02_P&asn=defChnAsset&tl=Das%2520Erste_Tagesschau%2520in%2520100%2520Sek._26.06.2017%252005%253A06%2520Uhr%2520-%2520Tagesschau%25] [HTTP request 1/1] -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0) -- Answer RRs: 1 Authority RRs: 2 Additional RRs: 0 Queries secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com [Name Length: 26] [Label Count: 3] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) Answers secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN, addr Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Address: ( Authoritative nameservers secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type NS, class IN, ns collectionsentrum-gtm.nielsen.com Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name Server: collectionsentrum-gtm.nielsen.com secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type NS, class IN, ns collectionleb-gtm1.nielsen.com Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0) -- Answer RRs: 1 Authority RRs: 2 Additional RRs: 0 Queries secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com [Name Length: 26] [Label Count: 3] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) Answers secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN, addr Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Address: ( Authoritative nameservers secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type NS, class IN, ns collectionsentrum-gtm.nielsen.com Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name Server: collectionsentrum-gtm.nielsen.com secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type NS, class IN, ns collectionleb-gtm1.nielsen.com Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0) -- Answer RRs: 1 Authority RRs: 2 Additional RRs: 0 Queries secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com [Name Length: 26] [Label Count: 3] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) Answers secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type A, class IN, addr Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Address: ( Authoritative nameservers secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type NS, class IN, ns collectionsentrum-gtm.nielsen.com Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name Server: collectionsentrum-gtm.nielsen.com secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type NS, class IN, ns collectionleb-gtm1.nielsen.com Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0) -- Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 Queries secure-eu.imrworldwide.com: type AAAA, class IN Name: secure-eu.imrworldwide.com [Name Length: 26] -- Version: GIF89a Screen width: 1 Screen height: 1 Global settings: (Global color table present) (7 bits per color) (1 bit per pixel) -- Image top position: 0 Image width: 1 Image height: 1 Local settings: (1 bit per color) (1 bit per pixel) -- Data block (length = 0) Trailer (End of the GIF stream) -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable Questions: 1 Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 -- [Label Count: 4] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable Questions: 1 Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0) -- Answer RRs: 1 Authority RRs: 1 Additional RRs: 0 -- CNAME: a643.g.akamai.net Authoritative nameservers g.akamai.net: type SOA, class IN, mname n0g.akamai.net Name: g.akamai.net Type: SOA (Start Of a zone of Authority) (6) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Data length: 49 Primary name server: n0g.akamai.net Responsible authority's mailbox: hostmaster.akamai.com Serial Number: 1498447905 -- 44 1.275290 -> HTTP 923 GET /9.gif?a=H~b=5730cbbe943034646~c=f756901c-5115-528e-0a2a-7db77e258bf7~d=ardmediathek.de~e=3~g=0~w=60198~ac=TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4~ag=ardmediathek.de~ah=ardmediathek.de~al=Linux~am=P~aw=http://media.tagesschau.de/video/100s/2017/0626/TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4~cm=Akamai~dx=55.063~en=26.06.2017%2005:06%20Uhr%20-%20Tagesschau%20in%20100%20Sekunden~pd=ardplayer-v3.7.5~sa=Others~ay=HTML5-3.15.2~ak=HTML5~ap=109~ HTTP/1.1 Frame 44: 923 bytes on wire (7384 bits), 923 bytes captured (7384 bits) on interface 0 -- Hypertext Transfer Protocol [truncated]GET /9.gif?a=H~b=5730cbbe943034646~c=f756901c-5115-528e-0a2a-7db77e258bf7~d=ardmediathek.de~e=3~g=0~w=60198~ac=TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4~ag=ardmediathek.de~ah=ardmediathek.de~al=Linux~am=P~aw=http://media.tagesschau.de/video/1 [ [truncated]Expert Info (Chat/Sequence): GET /9.gif?a=H~b=5730cbbe943034646~c=f756901c-5115-528e-0a2a-7db77e258bf7~d=ardmediathek.de~e=3~g=0~w=60198~ac=TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4~ag=ardmediathek.de~ah=ardmediathek.de~al=Linux~am=P~aw=http:] [GET /9.gif?a=H~b=5730cbbe943034646~c=f756901c-5115-528e-0a2a-7db77e258bf7~d=ardmediathek.de~e=3~g=0~w=60198~ac=TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4~ag=ardmediathek.de~ah=ardmediathek.de~al=Linux~am=P~aw=http://media.tagesschau.de/video/100s/2017/062] [Severity level: Chat] [Group: Sequence] Request Method: GET Request URI [truncated]: /9.gif?a=H~b=5730cbbe943034646~c=f756901c-5115-528e-0a2a-7db77e258bf7~d=ardmediathek.de~e=3~g=0~w=60198~ac=TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4~ag=ardmediathek.de~ah=ardmediathek.de~al=Linux~am=P~aw=http://media.tagesschau.d Request Version: HTTP/1.1 Host: ma140-r.analytics.edgesuite.net\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0\r\n -- \r\n [Full request URI [truncated]: http://ma140-r.analytics.edgesuite.net/9.gif?a=H~b=5730cbbe943034646~c=f756901c-5115-528e-0a2a-7db77e258bf7~d=ardmediathek.de~e=3~g=0~w=60198~ac=TV-100s-0506.podm.h264.mp4~ag=ardmediathek.de~ah=ardmediathek.de] [HTTP request 1/1] -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0) -- Answer RRs: 3 Authority RRs: 9 Additional RRs: 9 -- [Label Count: 4] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: a643.g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: a643.g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Address: ( Authoritative nameservers g.akamai.net: type NS, class IN, ns n5g.akamai.net Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) 51 Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: g.akamai.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: n0g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: n1g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: n2g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: n3g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: n4g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: n5g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: n6g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: n7g.akamai.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- .... .... ..1. = Syn: Set [Expert Info (Chat/Sequence): Connection establish request (SYN): server port 80] [Connection establish request (SYN): server port 80] [Severity level: Chat] 57 -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable Questions: 1 Answer RRs: 0 Authority RRs: 0 Additional RRs: 0 -- [Label Count: 3] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 -- .000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0) .... .0.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is not an authority for domain .... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated -- .... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0) .... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server .... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable .... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0) -- Answer RRs: 5 Authority RRs: 6 Additional RRs: 6 -- [Label Count: 3] Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: www.daserste.de.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: www.daserste.de.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: www.daserste.de.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: www.daserste.de.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Address: ( Authoritative nameservers c.footprint.net: type NS, class IN, ns B.ns.c.footprint.net Name: c.footprint.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: c.footprint.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: c.footprint.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: c.footprint.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: c.footprint.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: c.footprint.net Type: NS (authoritative Name Server) (2) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: A.ns.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: B.ns.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: C.ns.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: D.ns.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: E.ns.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- Name: F.ns.c.footprint.net Type: A (Host Address) (1) Class: IN (0x0001) -- .... .... ..1. = Syn: Set [Expert Info (Chat/Sequence): Connection establish acknowledge (SYN+ACK): server port 80] [Connection establish acknowledge (SYN+ACK): server port 80] [Severity level: Chat] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 59 -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 60 -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 61 -- 0110 .... = Version: 6 [0110 .... = This field makes the filter "ip.version == 6" possible: 6] .... 0000 0000 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic class: 0x00000000 64 -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 71 -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 85 -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 89 -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 90 -- [TCP Analysis Flags] [Expert Info (Warn/Sequence): ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [ACKed segment that wasn't captured (common at capture start)] [Severity level: Warn] 92 ^C ~$