cat ~/bin/ #!/bin/bash # after some tests - the lxdefault did not work, had # to change the keybind-calls in .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml directly # # xwd always ask (mousecurser changes) which window to capture in alt+print # while scrot hat option -u to capture the focused window # notifysend="zenity --info --text" FOLDER="$HOME/screenshots/" if [ ! -d "${FOLDER}" ]; then mkdir ${FOLDER} fi DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S) FNAME="${FOLDER}screenshot-${DATE}.png" C=0 while [ -f "${FNAME}" ] ; do FNAME="${FOLDER}screenshot-${DATE}.${C}.png" let C++ done CAPTUREROOT="xwd -root | convert - ${FNAME}" CAPTUREWINDOW="xwd | convert - ${FNAME}" CAPTUREROOT="scrot ${FNAME}" CAPTUREWINDOW="scrot -u ${FNAME}" touch ${FNAME} #$notifysend "$0 $1" if [ "$1" != "window" ]; then if $CAPTUREROOT; then $notifysend "Desktop screenshot saved!\nDesktop screenshot was saved as:\n ${FNAME}" else $notifysend "Desktop screenshot could not be saved!\nThere was an error." fi else if $CAPTUREWINDOW; then $notifysend "Window screenshot saved!\nWindow screenshot was saved as:\n ${FNAME}" else $notifysend "Window screenshot could not be saved!\nThere was an error." fi fi