aptitude search gtk p alsaplayer-gtk - PCM player designed for ALSA (GTK+ version) p appmenu-gtk - Export GTK menus over DBus p apport-gtk - GTK+ frontend for the apport crash report system p aptitude-gtk - terminal-based package manager (GUI and terminal interfaces) p asoundconf-gtk - Applet to select the default ALSA sound card p aumix-gtk - Simple mixer control program with GUI and text interfaces p autokey-gtk - desktop automation utility - GTK+ version p avidemux-plugins-gtk - ein freies Videobearbeitungsprogramm - GTK-Erweiterungen p aylet-gtk - X-GTK2-based player for Spectrum '.ay' music files p blogtk - GTK-Weblogging-Client p bpython-gtk - fancy interface to the Python interpreter - GTK+ frontend p bzr-gtk - Enthält eine grafische Schnittstelle zum Versions-Kontrollsystem Bazaar (bzr) p cdebconf-gtk - Gtk+ frontend for Debian Configuration Management System p checkbox-gtk - Checkbox GTK Interface p computer-janitor-gtk - Clean up a system so it's more like a freshly installed one p crossfire-client-gtk - Metapackage for upgrading obsolete GTK+ Crossfire clients p crossfire-client-gtk2 - Metapackage formerly known as the GTK+ v2 Crossfire client p cutter-gtk-support - Cutter GTK+ integration p deluge-gtk - bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (GTK+ ui) p easymp3gain-gtk - GUI interface for MP3Gain, AACGain and VorbisGain p efax-gtk - GTK+-Oberfläche für das Programm efax p emacs-snapshot-gtk - The GNU Emacs editor (transitional package) p emacs22-gtk - The GNU Emacs editor (with GTK+ 2.x support) v emacs23-gtk - p ettercap-gtk - vielseitiger Sniffer/Interceptor/Logger für ein switched LAN p evince-gtk - Document (postscript, pdf) viewer (GTK+ version) i ffgtk - ffgtk is a solution for controlling the FRITZ!Box p fp-units-gtk - Free Pascal - GTK+ 1.2 units p fp-units-gtk2 - Free Pascal - GTK+ 2.x units p freeciv-client-gtk - Civilization, rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel (GTK+-Client) p gambas2-gb-gtk - The Gambas gtk component p gambas2-gb-gtk-ext - The Gambas extended gtk GUI component p gambas2-gb-gtk-svg - The Gambas SVG importing component p gauche-gtk - Gauche bindings for GTK+ GUI Toolkit p gemanx-gtk2 - BBS-Client auf der Kommandozeile, geht über PCMan X hinaus p gftp-gtk - FTP-Client für X/GTK+ p ggz-gtk-client - GGZ Gaming Zone: advanced core client for GTK+ environments p ggz-gtk-games - GGZ Gaming Zone: game clients collection for GTK+ p ggz-gtk-games-data - GGZ Gaming Zone: multimedia data for game clients for GTK+ p gir1.0-clutter-gtk-0.10 - GObject introspection data for the GTK+ Clutter library p gir1.0-dbusmenu-gtk-0.2 - typelib file for libdbusmenu-gtk1 p gir1.0-gtk-2.0 - Die GTK+-Bibliothek für grafische Benutzungsoberflächen p gir1.0-gtkchamplain-0.4 - A Gtk+ widget to display maps (GObject introspection) p gir1.0-gtksource-2.2 - GObject introspection data for the GtkSourceView library p gir1.0-gwibber-gtk-0.0 - Typelib file for libgwibber-gtk0 p gir1.0-indicate-gtk-0.2 - Typelib file for libindicate-gtk2 p gnunet-gtk - secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (GTK+ client) p gnunet-gtk-dbg - secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (GTK+ client debug) p gnunet-gtk-dev - secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (GTK+ client development) p google-gadgets-gtk - GTK+ Version of Google Gadgets p gtk-chtheme - Themenwechsler und Vorschauprogramm für GTK+ 2.0 p gtk-clearlooks-gperfection2-theme - gtk theme for the clearlooks engine p gtk-doc-tools - GTK+-Dokumentationswerkzeuge p gtk-gnutella - Filesharing in einem Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerk p gtk-im-libthai - GTK+-Eingabemethoden-Modul unter Verwendung von LibThai p gtk-led-askpass - GTK+-Passwortdialog, geeignet zur Verwendung mit ssh-add p gtk-recordmydesktop - Graphical frontend for recordmydesktop screencast tool p gtk-redshift - Adjusts the color temperature of your screen p gtk-sharp2 - GTK# 2.10 suite, CLI bindings for GTK+ p gtk-sharp2-examples - sample applications for the GTK# 2.10 toolkit p gtk-sharp2-gapi - C Quelltext Parser und C# Programm-Code Generator für GObjekt basierte APIs p gtk-smooth-themes - A set of themes for the Smooth GTK+ Engine p gtk-theme-switch - Programm zum Wechsel der Themen von Gtk+ p gtk2-engines - Themen-Engines für GTK+ 2.x p gtk2-engines-aurora - Themen-Engine Aurora für GTK+ 2.0 p gtk2-engines-blueheart - Blueheart GTK+ 2.x Theme p gtk2-engines-cleanice - CleanIce-Themen für GTK+ 2.x v gtk2-engines-clearlooks - v gtk2-engines-crux - p gtk2-engines-equinox - Equinox GTK+ theme engine v gtk2-engines-gartoon - v gtk2-engines-highcontrast - v gtk2-engines-industrial - v gtk2-engines-lighthouseblue - p gtk2-engines-magicchicken - Magic Chicken themes for GTK+ 2.x v gtk2-engines-metal - v gtk2-engines-mist - p gtk2-engines-moblin - gtk2-Engines für moblin p gtk2-engines-murrine - cairo-basierte GTK+2.0-Themenengine p gtk2-engines-mythbuntu - Mythbuntu GTK+ 2.x Theme p gtk2-engines-nodoka - Themenengine Nodoka für GTK+ 2.x p gtk2-engines-pixbuf - Pixbuf-basiertes Thema für GTK+ 2.x i gtk2-engines-qtcurve - This is a set of widget styles for Gtk2 based apps v gtk2-engines-redmond95 - p gtk2-engines-sapwood - Pixbuf-basierte Themenengine für GTK+ 2.x p gtk2-engines-sapwood-dbg - Pixbuf-based theme engine for GTK+ 2.x -- debug symbols p gtk2-engines-smooth - Themen-Engine Smooth für GTK+ 2.x v gtk2-engines-spherecrystal - v gtk2-engines-thinice - p gtk2-engines-wonderland - Thema Wonderland für GTK+-2.0 p gtk2-engines-xfce - Eine GTK+-2.0-Thema-Engine für Xfce p gtk2-ex-formfactory-perl - Makes building complex GUI's easy (dummy package) v gtk2.0-binver-2.10.0 - p gtk2.0-examples - Beispieldateien für das GTK+ 2.0 p gtk2hs-buildtools - Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface libraries p gtkam - Anwendung für das Abrufen von Medien aus Digitalkameras p gtkam-dbg - GTK+ application for digital still cameras (debugging symbols) p gtkam-gimp - gtkam gimp plugin to open digital camera pictures p gtkatlantic - Monopoly-artiges Spiel p gtkballs - ein einfaches Logikspiel p gtkboard - viele Brettspiele in einem Programm p gtkcookie - Editor für Cookie-Dateien p gtkdiskfree - Ein Programm zur Anzeige von freiem/genutztem Speicherplatz von Dateisystemen v gtkgl-dev - p gtkguitune - Guitar and other instruments tuner p gtkhash - GTK+ utility for computing checksums and more p gtklick - simple metronome GUI for JACK p gtklp - CUPS-Druckwerkzeug für die GNOME-Arbeitsumgebung p gtkmm-documentation - Documentation of C++ wrappers for GLib/GTK+ p gtkmorph - Digitales Bildbearbeitungsprogramm mit Verzerrung und Morphen (gtk) p gtkmorph-example - digital image warp and morph, examples p gtkorphan - Ein grafisches Werkzeug zum Finden und Entfernen von verwaisten Bibliotheken p gtkparasite - GTK+ debugging and development tool p gtkperf - GTK+ performance benchmark p gtkpod - Verwaltet Lieder und Wiedergabelisten eines Apple iPod p gtkpod-data - architecture-independent files for gtkpod p gtkpool - einfaches Pool/Billiard-Spiel mit GTK+-Oberfläche p gtkrsync - Benutzeroberfläche für die Anzeige des rsync-Status p gtkterm - Ein einfaches GTK+-Terminal für den seriellen Port p gtktrain - Die Eisenbahn-Routenplanung mit Schnittstelle zu GTK+ p gtkvncviewer - kleiner VNC-Client für GNOME p gtkwave - Ein VCD (Value Change Dump) Datei Signalform Betrachter p gtkwhiteboard - GTK+ Wiimote Whiteboard p guile-gnome2-gtk - Guile bindings for GTK+, libglade, Pango and ATK p hocr-gtk - GTK+-Oberfläche für hebräische Zeichenerkennung v human-gtk-theme - p hwtest-gtk - Transitional package to checkbox-gtk v ia32-libs-gtk - p ibus-gtk - New input method framework using dbus p jockey-gtk - GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management p kcm-gtk - Transitional package for kde-config-gtk i kde-config-gtk - Configuration module for GTK+ appearance in KDE v lazarus-ide-gtk - p lazarus-ide-gtk2 - IDE for Free Pascal - IDE build on top of GTK+ backend v lcl-gtk - p lcl-gtk2 - Lazarus Components Library - GTK+ backend p ledcontrol-gtk - Oberfläche für ledcontrol p libaiksaurusgtk-1.2-0c2a - graphical interface to the Aiksaurus toolkit (library) p libaiksaurusgtk-1.2-dev - graphical interface to the Aiksaurus toolkit (development) v libaiksaurusgtk-bin - v libaiksaurusgtk-dev - p libcanberra-gtk-dev - a simple abstract interface for playing event sounds i A libcanberra-gtk-module - translates Gtk+ widgets signals to event sounds p libcanberra-gtk-module-dbg - libcanberra GtkModule detached debugging symbols i A libcanberra-gtk0 - Gtk+ helper for playing widget event sounds with libcanberra p libcanberra-gtk0-dbg - libcanberra-gtk libraries detached debugging symbols p libchamplain-gtk-0.4-0 - A Gtk+ widget to display maps p libchamplain-gtk-0.4-dbg - A Gtk+ widget to display maps (debug symbols) p libchamplain-gtk-0.4-dev - A Gtk+ widget to display maps (development files) p libchamplain-gtk-doc - A Gtk+ widget to display maps (documentation) p libcheese-gtk-dev - A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets dev p libcheese-gtk18 - A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets p libclutter-gtk-0.10-0 - Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget p libclutter-gtk-0.10-dbg - Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget (debug files) p libclutter-gtk-0.10-dev - Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget (development files) p libclutter-gtk-0.10-doc - Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget (documentation) p libdata-treedumper-renderer-gtk-perl - Gtk2::TreeView renderer for Data::TreeDumper p libdbusmenu-gtk-dev - library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version developement files p libdbusmenu-gtk-doc - library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version documentation i A libdbusmenu-gtk1 - library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version v libempathy-gtk-common - v libequeue-gtk2-ocaml-dev - p libexif-gtk-dev - Bibliothek mit GTK+ widgets um EXIF Markierungen anzuzeigen/zu editieren p libexif-gtk5 - Library providing GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags p libfm-gtk0 - file management support - GTK+ GUI library p libgalago-gtk-dev - libraries and header files for developing against libgalago-gtk p libgalago-gtk1 - GTK+ widgets for the Galago presence framework p libgdu-gtk-dev - GTK+ standard dialog library for libgdu - development files p libgdu-gtk0 - GTK+ standard dialog library for libgdu v libggadget-gtk-1.0-0-api - p libggadget-gtk-1.0-0b - Google Gadgets GTK+ library p libggadget-gtk-1.0-dev - Google Gadgets GTK+ development files p libggz-gtk-dev - GGZ Gaming Zone: core client embedding library for GTK+ - development files p libggz-gtk1 - GGZ Gaming Zone: core client embedding library for GTK+ p libghc6-gtk-dev - Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library v libghc6-gtk-dev-0.11.0-05911 - p libghc6-gtk-doc - Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library; documentation p libghc6-gtkglext-dev - Binding to the GTK+ OpenGL Extension v libghc6-gtkglext-dev-0.11.0-53598 - p libghc6-gtkglext-doc - Binding to the GTK+ OpenGL Extension; documentation p libghc6-gtksourceview2-dev - Binding to the GtkSourceView library v libghc6-gtksourceview2-dev-0.11.0-07932 - p libghc6-gtksourceview2-doc - Binding to the GtkSourceView library; documentation p libghc6-soegtk-dev - functions from the book "The Haskell School of Expression" v libghc6-soegtk-dev-0.11.0-3f211 - p libghc6-soegtk-doc - functions from the book "The Haskell School of Expression"; documentation p libglrr-gtk-dev - Development library of Grift (gtk) p libglrr-gtk0 - Utility functions for gtk+ of Grift p libgpod-nogtk-dev - development files for libgpod (version without artwork support) p libgpod4-nogtk - library to read and write songs to an iPod p libgtk-mozembed-ruby - ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed, gecko renderer p libgtk-mozembed-ruby1.8 - ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed, gecko renderer p libgtk-mozembed-ruby1.8-dbg - ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed, gecko renderer p libgtk-sharp-beans-cil - Supplementary CLI bindings for GTK 2.14+ p libgtk-sharp-beans2.0-cil-dev - Supplementary CLI bindings for GTK 2.14+ - development package p libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 - A VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (runtime libraries) p libgtk-vnc-1.0-0-dbg - A VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (runtime libraries) p libgtk-vnc-1.0-dev - A VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (development files) p libgtk2-ex-entry-pango-perl - Gtk2::Entry, der Pango-Markup akzeptiert p libgtk2-ex-formfactory-perl - Makes building complex GUI's easy p libgtk2-ex-podviewer-perl - Perl Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain Old Documentation (POD) p libgtk2-ex-printdialog-perl - pure-perl alternative to the Gnome2::Print libraries p libgtk2-ex-simple-list-perl - simple interface to Gtk2's complex MVC list widget p libgtk2-ex-volumebutton-perl - Gtk2 widget to control volume and similar values p libgtk2-gladexml-perl - Perl interface to use user interfaces created with glade-2 p libgtk2-gladexml-simple-perl - clean object-oriented perl interface to Gtk2::GladeXML p libgtk2-imageview-perl - Perl bindings for the GtkImageView image viewer widget p libgtk2-mozembed-perl - Perl interface to the Mozilla embedding widget p libgtk2-notify-perl - Perl interface to libnotify p libgtk2-perl - Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library p libgtk2-perl-doc - Perl interface to the Gtk 2.x series (documentation files) p libgtk2-ruby - GTK+-Anbindungen für die Sprache Ruby p libgtk2-ruby1.8 - GTK+-Anbindungen für die Sprache Ruby p libgtk2-ruby1.8-dbg - GTK+-Anbindungen für die Sprache Ruby p libgtk2-sourceview2-perl - enhanced source code editor widget p libgtk2-spell-perl - Perl interface to the GtkSpell library p libgtk2-trayicon-perl - Perl interface to fill the system tray p libgtk2-traymanager-perl - Perl interface to fill the system tray p libgtk2-unique-perl - module for single instance applications i libgtk2.0-0 - Die GTK+-Bibliothek für grafische Benutzungsoberflächen p libgtk2.0-0-dbg - The GTK+ libraries and debugging symbols i libgtk2.0-bin - The programs for the GTK+ graphical user interface library p libgtk2.0-cil - CLI binding for the GTK+ toolkit 2.12 p libgtk2.0-cil-dev - CLI binding for the GTK+ toolkit 2.12 i libgtk2.0-common - Gemeinsame Dateien für die GTK+-Bibliothek (die grafische Benutzeroberfläche) p libgtk2.0-dev - Development files for the GTK+ library p libgtk2.0-doc - Documentation for the GTK+ graphical user interface library p libgtkada-gl2.14.2 - Ada-Bindungen für OpenGL p libgtkada-glade2.14.2 - Ada binding for Glade generated applications p libgtkada2-bin - Development utilities for libgtkada2 p libgtkada2-doc - Documentation for libgtkada2 p libgtkada2.14.2 - Ada binding for the GTK+ library p libgtkada2.14.2-dbg - Debugging symbols for libgtkada2 p libgtkada2.14.2-dev - Development files for libgtkada2 p libgtkdatabox-0.9.1-1 - A Gtk+ library to display large amounts of numerical data p libgtkdatabox-0.9.1-1-dev - A Gtk+ library to display large amounts of numerical data p libgtkdatabox-0.9.1-1-glade - A Gtk+ library to display large amounts of numerical data p libgtkdatabox-0.9.1-1-libglade - A Gtk+ library to display large amounts of numerical data v libgtkdatabox-dev - v libgtkdatabox-glade - v libgtkdatabox-libglade - p libgtkgl2.0-1 - OpenGL context support for GTK+ (shared libraries) p libgtkgl2.0-dev - OpenGL context support for GTK+ (development files) p libgtkglarea-cil-dev - CLI bindings for the GTK OpenGL area widget p libgtkglarea-cil-examples - gtkglarea-sharp examples p libgtkglarea0.0-cil - CLI bindings for the GTK OpenGL area widget p libgtkglext1 - OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (shared libraries) p libgtkglext1-dbg - OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (debugging symbols) p libgtkglext1-dev - OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (development files) p libgtkglext1-doc - OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (documentation) p libgtkglext1-ruby - GTK+ GL extension bindings for the Ruby language p libgtkglext1-ruby1.8 - GTK+ GL extension bindings for the Ruby language p libgtkglext1-ruby1.8-dbg - GTK+ GL extension bindings for the Ruby language p libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-0 - C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Shared libraries) p libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev - C++ bindings for GtkGLExt (Development files) p libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-doc - C++-Anbindungen für GtkGLExt (Dokumentation) p libgtkhex0 - GNOME Hex editor for files (shared library) p libgtkhex0-dev - GNOME Hex editor for files (development headers) p libgtkhotkey-dev - Gtk hotkey static libraries and headers p libgtkhotkey1 - Gtk hotkey shared library p libgtkhtml-editor-common - HTML rendering/editing library - editor widget data p libgtkhtml-editor-dev - HTML rendering/editing library - editor widget development files p libgtkhtml-editor0 - HTML rendering/editing library - editor widget p libgtkhtml3.14-19 - Bibliothek zur HTML-Anzeige/-Bearbeitung - Laufzeitdateien p libgtkhtml3.14-cil-dev - CLI binding for GtkHTML 3.24 p libgtkhtml3.14-dbg - Bibliothek für HTML-Bearbeitung und -Darstellung - Debug-Dateien p libgtkhtml3.14-dev - HTML rendering/editing library - development files p libgtkhtml3.16-cil - CLI binding for GtkHTML 3.24 p libgtkimageview-dev - image viewer widget for GTK+ (development files) p libgtkimageview0 - image viewer widget for GTK+ p libgtkmathview-bin - rendering engine for MathML documents p libgtkmathview-dev - rendering engine for MathML documents p libgtkmathview0c2a - rendering engine for MathML documents i A libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a - C++ wrappers for GTK+ (shared libraries) p libgtkmm-2.4-dbg - C++ wrappers for GTK+ (debug symbols) p libgtkmm-2.4-dev - C++ wrappers for GTK+ (development files) p libgtkmm-2.4-doc - C++ wrappers for GTK+ (documentation) p libgtkmm-utils-dev - utility functions, classes and widgets written on top of gtkmm p libgtkmm-utils2 - utility functions, classes and widgets written on top of gtkmm p libgtksourceview-common - common files for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget p libgtksourceview-dev - development files for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget p libgtksourceview-doc - documentation for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget p libgtksourceview1.0-0 - shared libraries for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget p libgtksourceview2-2.0-cil - CLI binding for GtkSourceView 2.2 p libgtksourceview2-cil-dev - CLI binding for GtkSourceView 2.2 p libgtksourceview2-ruby - GtkSourceView2 bindings for the Ruby language p libgtksourceview2-ruby1.8 - GtkSourceView2 bindings for the Ruby language p libgtksourceview2-ruby1.8-dbg - GtkSourceView2 bindings for the Ruby language p libgtksourceview2.0-0 - Laufzeit-Bibliotheken für GTK+-Widget für Syntaxmarkierung p libgtksourceview2.0-common - Gemeinsame Dateien des GTK+-Widgets für Syntax-Hervorhebung p libgtksourceview2.0-dev - development files for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget p libgtksourceview2.0-doc - documentation for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget p libgtksourceviewmm-1.0-2 - C++ binding of GtkSourceView p libgtksourceviewmm-1.0-2-dbg - C++ binding of GtkSourceView - debugging symbols p libgtksourceviewmm-1.0-dev - C++ binding of GtkSourceView - development files p libgtksourceviewmm-2.0-2 - C++ binding of GtkSourceView p libgtksourceviewmm-2.0-dbg - C++ binding of GtkSourceView - debugging symbols p libgtksourceviewmm-2.0-dev - C++ binding of GtkSourceView - development files p libgtksourceviewmm-2.0-doc - C++ binding of GtkSourceView p libgtkspell-dev - Entwicklungs-Dateien für GtkSpell p libgtkspell0 - Rechtschreibprüfungs-Zusatz für GTKs TextView-Widget p libgtkstylus - stylus tap support for Gtk+ p libgwibber-gtk-dev - Gwibber - shared library p libgwibber-gtk-doc - Gwibber - shared library p libgwibber-gtk0 - Gwibber GTK Widgets p libgwibber-gtk0.0-cil - CLI bindings for libgwibber p libgwibber-gtk0.0-cil-dev - CLI bindings for libgwibber p libindicate-gtk-dev - library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK bindings development files p libindicate-gtk0.1-cil - CLI bindings for libindicate-gtk2 p libindicate-gtk0.1-cil-dev - CLI bindings for libindicate-gtk4 - development files p libindicate-gtk2 - library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK bindings p libinfgtk-0.4-0 - infinote-based collaborative editing (Gtk widgets) p libjana-gtk-dev - A set of GTK+ widgets to visualise libjana data (development files) p libjana-gtk-doc - A set of GTK+ widgets to visualise libjana data (documentation) p libjana-gtk0 - A set of GTK+ widgets to visualise libjana data p liblablgtk2-gl-ocaml - runtime libraries for OCaml bindings to GtkGL v liblablgtk2-gl-ocaml-04kg1 - p liblablgtk2-gl-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings to GtkGL v liblablgtk2-gl-ocaml-dev-04kg1 - p liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml - runtime libraries for OCaml bindings to GNOME v liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml-4ol02 - p liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings to GNOME v liblablgtk2-gnome-ocaml-dev-4ol02 - p liblablgtk2-ocaml - runtime libraries for OCaml bindings for GTK+ version 2 p liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings to Gtk+ version 2 v liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev-h3pg1 - p liblablgtk2-ocaml-doc - OCaml bindings to Gtk+ version 2 (documentation) v liblablgtk2-ocaml-h3pg1 - p liblablgtkmathview-ocaml - OCaml bindings for libgtkmathview, a GTK widget to render MathML p liblablgtkmathview-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings for libgtkmathview, a GTK widget to render MathML v liblablgtkmathview-ocaml-dev-sreg8 - v liblablgtkmathview-ocaml-sreg8 - p liblablgtksourceview2-ocaml - OCaml bindings for libgtksourceview2 (runtime) v liblablgtksourceview2-ocaml-0bhx8 - p liblablgtksourceview2-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings for libgtksourceview2, a source editor GTK+ widget v liblablgtksourceview2-ocaml-dev-0bhx8 - p libmoonlight-gtk3.0-cil - Moonlight.Gtk library v libnotify-dev-gtk2.10 - v libnotify1-gtk2.10 - p libocamlnet-gtk2-ocaml-dev - OCaml application-level Internet libraries - GTK2 development libraries v libocamlnet-gtk2-ocaml-dev-2t7h0 - p libpolkit-gtk-1-0 - PolicyKit GTK+ API p libpolkit-gtk-1-dev - PolicyKit GTK+ API - development files p librccgtk2-0 - Library for autoconvert codepages GTK2 interface p libswt-cairo-gtk-3.5-jni - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ Cairo JNI library p libswt-glx-gtk-3.5-jni - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ GLX JNI library p libswt-gnome-gtk-3.5-jni - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ GNOME JNI library p libswt-gtk-3.5-java - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ Java library p libswt-gtk-3.5-java-gcj - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ native library p libswt-gtk-3.5-jni - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ JNI library p libswt-mozilla-gtk-3.5-jni - Standard Widget Toolkit for GTK+ Mozilla JNI library p libtinymailui-gtk-1.0-0 - Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - GTK+ library p libtinymailui-gtk-dev - Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - GTK+ devel p libtinymailui-gtkhtml-1.0-0 - Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - gtkhtml library p libtinymailui-gtkhtml-dev - Framework for mobile applications with e-mail - gtkhtml devel v libunicapgtk-dev - p libunicapgtk-docs - graphical widgets for unicap - documentation p libunicapgtk2 - Grafische Widgets für unicap - gemeinsam genutzte Bibliotheken p libunicapgtk2-dev - graphical widgets for unicap - development files p libwmf0.2-7-gtk - Windows metafile conversion library p libwxgtk2.6-0 - wxWidgets - plattformunabhängiger GUI-Werkzeugsatz (GTK+-Laufzeit-Dateien) p libwxgtk2.6-dbg - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development) p libwxgtk2.6-dev - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development) p libwxgtk2.8-0 - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime) p libwxgtk2.8-dbg - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ debug) p libwxgtk2.8-dev - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development) p libzbargtk-dev - bar code scanner and decoder (GTK+ bindings development) p libzbargtk0 - bar code scanner and decoder (GTK+ bindings) p libzlui-gtk - GTK+ interface module for ZLibrary p lshw-gtk - Grafische Anzeige der Hardware-Konfiguration p macchanger-gtk - Eine GTK+-Schnittstelle für GNU/MACchanger p macopix-gtk2 - Mascot Constructive Pilot für X auf Basis von GTK+ 2 p monodoc-gtk2.0-manual - compiled XML documentation for GTK# 2.10 p mozilla-gtk-vnc - A VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (mozilla plugin) p mp3info-gtk - MP3 info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor -- GTK+ version p mp3splt-gtk - GTK interface to split MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files without reencoding p musetup-gtk - Gtk based museekd configuration utility p navit-graphics-gtk-drawing-area - Car navigation system with routing engine - GTK+ graphic plugin p navit-gui-gtk - Car navigation system with routing engine - GTK+ GUI p ndisgtk - graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers) p notebook-gtk2 - Ein GTK+-Logbucheditor p nvclock-gtk - Ermöglicht das Übertakten Ihrer nVidia Karte p oem-config-gtk - GTK+ frontend for end-user post-OEM-install configuration p openoffice.org-gtk - office productivity suite -- GTK+ integration v openoffice.org-gtk-gnome - p oss4-gtk - Open Sound System - simple GTK2-based mixer control p pcb-gtk - printed circuit board (pcb) design program - GTK+ interface p pcmanx-gtk2 - Anwenderfreundlicher Telnet-Client, hauptsächlich für BBS-Anwender p pinentry-gtk2 - GTK+-2-based PIN or pass-phrase entry dialog for GnuPG v pioneers-server-gtk - i python-aptdaemon-gtk - Python GTK+ widgets to run an aptdaemon client p python-champlain-gtk - A Gtk+ widget to display maps (Python bindings) v python-champlain-gtk-0.4 - p python-clutter-gtk - Python bindings for Clutter-Gtk p python-clutter-gtk-dbg - Python bindings for Clutter-Gtk - debugging symbols p python-clutter-gtk-dev - Python bindings for Clutter-Gtk - development files p python-galago-gtk - GTK+-Widgets für die Galago-Präsenzbibliothek (Python-Schnittstelle) p python-galago-gtk-dev - Galago presence library (Python interface) p python-gtk-vnc - A VNC viewer widget for GTK+ (Python binding) i python-gtk2 - Python-Anbindung für die Widget-Sammlung GTK+ p python-gtk2-dbg - Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set (debug extension) p python-gtk2-dev - Python-Anbindung für GTK+: Entwicklungs-Dateien p python-gtk2-doc - Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set - documentation p python-gtk2-tutorial - Tutorial zur GTK2-Python-Bibliothek p python-gtkglext1 - GtkGLext python bindings p python-gtkmozembed - Python bindings for the GtkMozEmbed Gecko library p python-gtkmvc - model-view-controller (MVC) implementation for pygtk p python-gtkmvc-doc - pygtkmvc Dokumentation, Tutorial und Beispiele p python-gtksourceview2 - Python bindings for the GtkSourceView widget p python-gtkspell - Python bindings for the GtkSpell library p python-packagekit-gtk - Python GTK+ widgets for PackageKit clients p python-tegaki-gtk - GTK+ widget Python model for Tegaki p python-wxgtk2.6 - wxWidgets, plattformübergreifender C++-GUI-Werkzeugsatz (wxPython-Anbindung) p python-wxgtk2.6-dbg - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython binding, debug version) p python-wxgtk2.8 - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython binding) p python-wxgtk2.8-dbg - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (wxPython binding, debug version) p python-zbarpygtk - bar code scanner and decoder (PyGTK bindings) v python2.6-galago-gtk - v python2.6-gtk-vnc - v python2.6-gtk2 - v python2.6-gtkglext1 - v python2.6-gtkmvc - v python2.6-gtksourceview2 - v python2.6-wxgtk2.6 - v python2.6-wxgtk2.8 - p qalculate-gtk - Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator - GTK+ version p r-cran-rgtk2 - GNU R binding for Gtk2 p radare-gtk - free advanced command line hexadecimal editor with graph functionality p rep-gtk - GTK+ binding for librep p rep-gtk-gnome - Dummy package for transition p rootstock-gtk - graphical frontend to the rootstock rootfs builder tool p sbackup-gtk - Simple Backup Suite GTK+ graphical user interface p scim-bridge-client-gtk - IME server of scim-bridge communicate with SCIM p scim-gtk2-immodule - GTK+2 input method module with SCIM as backend p slashem-gtk - A variant of Nethack (Gtk window port) v snd-gtk - v snd-gtk-alsa - p snd-gtk-jack - Sound file editor (GTK+ user interface - JACK) p snd-gtk-pulse - Sound file editor (GTK+ user interface - PulseAudio) p snes9x-gtk - GTK+-Portierung von Snes9x - Super-NES-Emulator p software-properties-gtk - Depotverwaltung für Softwareinstallationen p stardict-gtk - International dictionary written in GTK+ 2.x p tamil-gtk2im - Tamilische Eingabe-Verfahren für GTK-2 p telepathy-devel-gtk - Telepathy Development packages for GTK p testdrive-gtk - run the daily Ubuntu ISO in a virtual machine (GTK Front-end) p transmission-gtk - lightweight BitTorrent client (GTK interface) p ubiquity-frontend-gtk - GTK+ frontend for Ubiquity live installer p uim-gtk2.0 - GTK+2.x immodule for uim p unison-gtk - A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface p unison2.27.57-gtk - A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows with GTK+ interface p usb-creator-gtk - create a startup disk using a CD or disc image (for GNOME) p vim-gtk - Vi IMproved - verbesserter vi-Editor - mit GTK2-Oberfläche p vim-syntax-gtk - Syntaxdateien zum Hervorheben von GTK+-Schlüsselwörtern in vim p visualboyadvance-gtk - GTK+-Oberfläche für den Emulator VisualBoyAdvance p wicd-gtk - wired and wireless network manager - GTK+ client p xara-gtk - GTK+ utility for searching the Debian package database v xara-gtk-byte - p xdg-user-dirs-gtk - tool to manage well known user directories (Gtk extension) p yabause-gtk